The purpose of the Free Phone Consultation (30-60 min) is to see whether what you are looking for and what we offer, matches. While the decision is the #1 step in our healing journey, the informed decision gives peace of mind.
Homework prior inquiring:
Please, do watch/read through the testimonials and ask yourself…what work did these folks put in to start getting better? Just like you, they read through the site, feeling lethargic and really down, some not able to hold their tears…some were in both, emotional and physical pain. Many smoked marihuana or cigarettes to number their overwhelming feelings, but yet all of them still had a reason to get better. Your desire to get better and willingness to follow the guidance to help you get better is #1 requirement to be accepted into the program.
We look forward to speaking with you soon. We trust you’ve done your homework :) evaluating the program you may potentially want to attend.
Before you start, please review these pages, if you have not yet:
How Program Works, Rates, Dates and What’s included